Saturday, December 15, 2007

Odd Visitor

The weather has been great since arrived in Florida in November. Rainfall is way down this year and some small ponds at the campground here have dried up. Shorts and T shirt is definitely the standard wear.

We enjoyed a great 4 mile run yesterday morning but the humidity was absolutely dreadful. I drank one bottle of water while running and finished another during our cool off walk. Daytime temps are around 80-83F, so the 2 A/C units in our Bounder have their work cut out for them for sure. In our experience, the Thousand Trail parks we have stayed in so far, all have 25m swimming pools which are not used that much this time of year. Great for some laps in the morning. Managed a 3000m swim the other day and then was invited to participate in some water aerobics with some senior ladies. They were wading in the same pool, moving to an aquasize instructional cassette playing on the deck. I politely declined, saying it was far too strenuous for me. We all got a laugh out of that.

You meet all kinds of great people in RV parks and many of them have pets. Dogs, cats, ferrets, birds, etc. Well this morning while out for a stroll, we were surprised to see the guy behind us put a ramp down his motorhome steps and then bring out a pot belly pig for it's morning nature call. At least 90 pounds on the hoof and he was a sweety. Seventeen years old and a little grumpy about having been awakened to go outside. Hmmm......, take 76 pounds off that and you have our bichon, Buddy, described to a tee. Hope you like the picture.

We've been following the Ottawa weather on our satellite and know about the storm warning presently in effect. Please drive safely everyone and we shall see you all again in the spring. For what it is worth, they are calling for rain and cold here tonight and tomorrow with daytime temps only in the 60s for the next few days. Hopefully we will still be in shorts!