Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!!

We played pickleball twice yesterday and are both feeling it a bit this morning....but we will likely play again at 9 am anyway. Decisions....decisions! There were lots of people out yesterday morning but the afternoon session was a little more sparsely attended as many regular players were having a snooze so they could attend the New Year party here at Thousand Trails this evening.

Our shower head had been leaking for a couple of days so I took it apart to see what needed repairing. There is a shut off switch on the shower head which has two O-rings on it. One of the rings was split, so we drove into ACE hardware in Wauchula and picked up a replacement and also a few spares. Pretty simple really but something that had to be repaired none the less.

We joined a group of pickleballers at the Bread Board restaurant for lunch at 2 pm. We both enjoyed the grouper and fries again, along with the salad bar this time. Two great meals for $15.00 which we thought was very reasonable.

Our New Year's Eve was spent around our campfire and then a walk with Buddy. That was followed up with a rousing game of Scrabble, one of my Christmas presents. I managed to squeak out a narrow win over Chris but she promises to whoop me the next time.

A little foggy this morning with rain in the forecast. Temps are to plunge today and for the next few days as well, with over night lows into the 30s and day times highs only in the 60s. Still no snow in the forecast though!

Happy New Year everyone.