We left Sebring just after 5 am this morning and pulled into Key West about 12:30 pm. We followed Hwy 27 south to 977 before continuing into the Keys on US 1. Mile 0 of US 1 is in downtown Key West. We stayed at a great B+B, Budget Key West at 1031 Eaton St, in the old part of Key West. We arrived early and unfortunately our room wouldn't be available until 3 pm, so we grabbed our cameras and left to explore old town on foot. Friends had recommended taking the Conch Train tour, which we did. It lasted 90 minutes and gave a detailed tour of the old part of Key West. I was a little taken aback at the $29 per person cost for the tour at first, but Bruce, our driver, was fabulous and in the end we both thought the tour was definitely worth the money.

We got back to our B+B around 4 pm to check in and found we had been given a complimentary upgrade to their best suite. Nice king size bed, jacuzzi tub, free wifi, the works! Very comfortable and the desk staff was superb. Looking forward to an early breakfast tomorrow morning which is included in the price of the room.
After freshening up, we headed for Mallory Square to grab a quick bite of supper before sunset. We both enjoyed fish and chips with a cold beer at Two Friends Patio Restaurant. Then off to the pier walkway just off Mallory Square to watch the sun go down. A few pictures included of the sun before it splashed down for the night. We watched a great busker act in Mallory Square. Chris even got volunteered to assist the juggler. After his juggling act, with an operating chainsaw, machette knife and hand grenade........yep, this guy lays down on a bed of nails with no shirt on, and had Chris stand on his chest with both feet!!!!! The crowd was mesmerized by this guy. Chris was shaking like a leaf but received a huge round of applause for her efforts. She'll have her own rendition of what happened with photos on her blog, Caveside. 

We walked around the water front for a bit more before stopping for a slice of key lime pie and a coffee on the way back to our B+B. Hope you enjoy the photographs. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.