I recently upgraded Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 to Adobe Photoshop CS4. Adobe had a killer upgrade price of only $299 running until the end February 2009, so I just had to give it a go. Regular upgrade cost is $599, so the saving was considerable. I've also started reading Photoshop User magazine which has some really good articles on the many features in CS4. I can see that the learning curve is going to be substantial as well.

One of the features I really like about Photoshop are the various filters, textures, effects, etc, one can add to photographs. The top example, is a sunrise in Sebring previously posted on my blog. I added a canvas texture to the original and came up with the next version, making it look more like a painting than a photograph. Lastly, I used a puzzle texture on the final version below. From what I can see, textures are totally adjustable as well, making it possible to go for a stronger effect if desired.
Something else to play with now!