Friday, March 13, 2009

Sandhill Crane and Chicks

There is a small pond right next to the road, not far from the back entrance to Tanglewood actually, that has been home to a pair of sandhill cranes for the last two years. They were seen nesting last month. I rode past on my bike today to discover that there are now two chicks in the pond as well. Seems to be a fair bit of bird activity around this pond with quite a few ibises, egrets, herons and grackles in the area. I also noticed a gator in the pond too, so hopefully these cranes are on their toes. Hoping to go back again with my big lens in the coming days to get a better picture.

I was out on my bike this morning doing a couple of loops around Lake Jackson and popped by the pond on the way home. Had my 5D2 in the rear carrier but only with my 24-105 lens on. Not as close as I would have liked.

All comments appreciated.