I decided to go out to a movie on April Fools and went to see Knowing starring Nicolas Cage. It was ok but not great....just another sci fi flick with a very familiar plot line.

I got back to the RV around 4:30 pm and while putting away some groceries, my neighbour comes knocking on the door. Asks me if I had been expecting any visitors this afternoon, to which I replied, no. A cousin perhaps, says he? Not unless someone from California was in Sebring for the day. How about South Africa!?, says he. Holy (fill in your word here)!, says I.
Turns out my cousin from South Africa was visiting her daughter and son-in-law in Bradenton. We hadn't seen each other since 1975 and I had no idea her daughter was living close by. So a few phone calls and text messages later, we connected and I spent the day with them in Bradenton yesterday. We had a great time. Pictured above are my cousin Sue on my left, and her daughter Sam on my right. Sam's husband, Mark behind my camera. Hoping we can all get together in London later this fall if plans come together.