We loved the porch on this Country Coach but thought it was just a little over the top. This one is parked just down the lot from us in deliveries. It is on display. No purchaser just yet. This isn't our new coach.

Here is our new 2009 42 ft Phaeton. We are on a delivery site at Lazydays until Monday at which time they will move us over to Rally Park for a week before we start to head back to Ontario. I've spent the last two days moving our things out of the Bounder and into the Phaeton. Chris even helped out over the web cam, suggesting the best place to put things. Ain't technology grand! I have everything out of the living area, just need to empty the storage bins. I'm waiting for another roll tray to be installed in the second pull through bay in our Phaeton before unloading anything else. No point in moving it more than once.

Bedroom of course with king size bed and tons of storage..

Dining area, residential refrigerator, Panasonic Viera 32" TV

Kitchen area with 3 burner propane stove, microwave and pull out island. Again, tons of storage.

Two euro recliners with foot stools will be a big improvement over the two sofas we had in our Bounder. Lots more storage.
Note the tag axle on the Phaeton. This gives a much better ride on the open highway. Lazydays still has a few things to look after for us. They are moving the Progressive Industries 50 amp surge protector we added to the Bounder into the Phaeton.
Now I have to go and read the mountain of owner manual material and watch the DVD that Tiffin provides with the motorhome.
Lastly, given we have a new motorhome, we will have to consider either changing the title of my blog or simply start a new one. All suggestions will be given fair consideration.