We left Walterboro, SC around 7:30 am yesterday to grey skies and a little light rain but things soon brightened up. Temps were noticeably cooler than the Tampa area, so that was a welcome relief. The drive north on I-95 was uneventful with the exception of one or two slow downs, but certainly nothing major. Looks like some repaving is underway in South Carolina. Anything would be an improvement to the shake, rattle and roll on some stretches. We stopped at the Flying J in Latta, SC at Exit 181 and found diesel for $2.039, the cheapest since Florida. Then it was clear sailing on up to I-64 East and then onto Hwy 33 on into TTN Chesapeake Bay, where we arrived just after 4 pm. Pretty easy drive of just under 400 miles. Only thing wrong with the Phaeton was the lack of power to our two 12v sockets on the dash, but that shouldn't be too difficult to remedy. Both fuses are fine just no juice flowing, so I may have to pop off the dash cover and have a look behind to check the wiring.

We set up in a site right behind our friends Ken and Faye and were already for our first social call by 5 pm. Ken is still laid up, recovering from knee surgery and his mild heart attack. He looks good though and was happy to see us pop by for a visit. We made sure not to stay too long though.
Faye was kind enough to arrange a pickleball game for us this morning with Artie and Debbie from Ormond Beach, Florida. Chris and I were up early and fit in a nice run out the main access road to the Hwy 198 turn off before coming back for pickleball. We enjoyed meeting new people and playing again. Hopefully we can keep up the games as we go west from time to time.
We drove into Gloucester this afternoon to have a look around. Artie and Debbie suggested we stop at Trader Joe's on Jefferson Rd to pick up some fresh fish and a few groceries. Also picked up a six pack of Kennebunkport Blueberry Wheat Ale. We are just about ready to sit down to some grilled mahi mahi and salad with beer chasers for supper. Anyone care to join us?