We awoke at 6 am to another hot and sunny day in Tampa and were all ready to get going by 7 am. We had planned to pack up the Phaeton and move it out to the main parking lot at Rally Park so I could have the toad all hooked up and ready to go for when our driver showed up. Not "our" driver in the chauffeur sense of the word, but our driver who would do the out of state delivery to Valdosta, GA for us, so we wouldn't have to pay the Florida state sales tax. Anyway, Jack, showed up about 30 minutes early, so we left right around 7:30 am, which suited us just fine. Jack was the same driver we had for our Bounder delivery back in May 2007. What a great guy and so knowledgeable too. I was a sponge and soaked up any advice he chose to share. Chris sat on the sofa reading her book. We were in Valdosta before noon and on our way to Brunswick, GA on I-95 after seeing a Notary Public and a quick bit of lunch. We pulled into the Flying J at Brunswick, where we were originally going to spend the night, at 2:30 pm, but decided to push on to Walterboro, SC instead. Skies were blue, so why not.

Our phaeton drives like a dream. Much quieter and smoother running than our Bounder with very nice captain and co-pilot seats. I think the tag axle makes it handle much better on the highway. We averaged 60 mph most of the way and never budged at all when semis went by us in either direction.
We hit some serious thunderstorms in Savanah, GA as you can see from the pictures above. Temperatures must have dropped at least 20F because of the rain. It rained so hard, it washed off all the kamikaze love bugs that had impaled themselves all over our windshield in Florida. Better than a car wash or pressure washer.
So here we are back at the Super Walmart at exit 57. Only three RVs here tonight. Supper is done and we get to watch some satellite TV and some season finales before bed. We'll make it to the Chesapeake Bay Thousand Trails park east of Richmond, VA tomorrow night and spend a few days in that area before pushing on into Pennsylvania.